
Samuel Bloomfield
About Me:
I live with my wife in Norwich. During the day I research food microbiology and in the evening I enjoy board games and video games.
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I am originally from New Zealand and moved to the United Kingdom to research microorganisms on food several years ago.
I enjoy playing board games and video games in the evening, especially when I should be practicing a presentation for work. I am currently designing a microorganism board game.
I also enjoy walks, cycling, swimming and playing piano, but nothing competitive.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I research the microorganisms found on food, those that cause illness and those that cause food to go bad.
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Microorganisms are often found on food. These include those that are good for us, those that can cause us illness and those that cause food to go bad (i.e. spoil food). My work focuses on identifying microorganisms on food that can be used to make food safer and last longer by inhibiting microorganisms that cause illness or cause food spoilage.
My Typical Day:
Every morning I get up and eat breakfast, before cycling to work and arriving between 8 and 9 am. In the morning I perform experiments on microorganisms from food and analyse their DNA. At 12 pm I have lunch with my colleagues. In the afternoon I write papers and help my students with their projects. I cycle home from work around 5 pm.
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Every morning I get up and eat breakfast (a banana and milk), before cycling to work and arriving between 8 and 9 am, depending on if I sleep in. In the morning I perform experiments on microorganisms from food and analyse their DNA, if they are dangerous to humans and if they inhibit bad microorganisms.
At 12 pm I have lunch with my colleagues, where we make our way through the games on the New York Times app. In the afternoon I write papers and help my students and others in my research group with their projects. If I have time I will try to design new research projects to make our food safer. I cycle home from work around 5 pm.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I am currently designing a microorganism board game where players play as a bacteria trying to cause an infection. The game helps players understand how humans interact with microorganisms every day and what activities can prevent disease.
I have designed all the rules and mechanics of the game, but it is not very visually appealing. The prize money would allow me to work with a designer to get a working prototype for the game before trialling it on students to see if they are interested and if they have learnt anything from it.
I went to school at New Plymouth Boys’ High School in New Zealand. I did not really know what I wanted to do, but really enjoyed maths, chemistry and biology, so after high school I went to Massey University in New Zealand to get a Medical Laboratory Science degree (I think this is the equivalent of a biomedical degree in the United Kingdom). This gave me a lot of experience and skills in different parts of biomedicine, e.g., microbiology, clinical biochemistry and haematology.
I returned to Massey University a year later to get my honours in microbiology (this is the equivalent of a master’s degree in the United Kingdom), where I identified new species of bacteria from wild birds. I then completed my PhD in microbiology where I compared the DNA from multiple microorganisms to track how diseases are spread amongst different animals and evolve over time, i.e., genomic epidemiology.
When I started high school the New Zealand government brought in a new high school marking system called NCEA. However, it was difficult to rank. In all honesty I did fine at high school, but not amazingly:
- NCEA level 1 – achieved
- NCEA level 2 – achieved
- NCEA level 3 – achieved
All my tertiary education was performed at Massey University where I completed:
- A Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science with distinction (equivalent of biomedical science degree)
- Bachelor of Science with a first class honours in Microbiology (equivalent of masters degree)
- PhD in Microbiology and Genetics
Work History:
Produce assistant: Whilst I was at high school I worked most weekends at a supermarket helping stock the fruit and vegetable sections.
Café worker: The summer before I started university I worked at a café taking orders, making coffee and delivering food.
Medical Laboratory Assistant: Every summer break whilst I was at university I worked at a medical laboratory helping analyse clinical samples.
Medical Laboratory Scientist: After finishing my undergraduate degree I worked for a year in a hospital laboratory performing laboratory tests on clinical samples. This helped me develop my laboratory skills, such as culturing for microorganisms, identifying chemicals in clinical samples, and looking at samples under a microscope. However, after a year I wanted to do something else and went into research.
Current Job:
I currently work as a post-doctoral scientist investigating microorganisms on food and whether we can use them to make food safer and last longer. This job involves a large amount of laboratory work as I have to grow up microorganisms, identify what type of microorganism they are and extract DNA from them. It also involves a large amount of computer analysis as I deal with DNA information from thousands of microorganisms.
As part of this job I also get to help supervise PhD students and help them with their jobs, write lots of manuscript, help develop new research projects, and travel to conferences around the world presenting and talking to others about my research.
I am employed by Professor Alison Mather at the Quadram Institute. The Quadram Institute performs research on food, making food safer, making food more nutritious and how we digest food.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Safer food microbiologist
What did you want to be after you left school?
Scientist, although I did not know what type of scientist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Neil Young
What's your favourite food?
Hash browns
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
A warm pool that went from my house to work so I could swim to work, a private train for holidays, and an automatic hash brown maker
Tell us a joke.
A man walks into a bar. Ouch!