
Sarah Canning
About Me:
Hi, my name is Sarah and I live in Didcot (near Oxford) with my partner. When I’m not working, I like to cook new recipes (it’s basically chemistry but you can eat the results!), travel to different places and exercise – right now that means pilates, kickboxing and running.
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I am also a keen football fan – I support Leeds United, and also Lincoln City FC as I grew up nearby. I like to watch matches as often as I can.
I also like to hike and my partner and I enjoy doing different challenges – we have done both the National Three Peaks and Yorkshire Three Peaks, and last year we walked the whole of the Ridgeway National Trail (about 100 miles) in 6 days. I’m not sure yet what we’ll do next!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I work as a ‘Product Development Technologist’ – this means that it’s my job to develop new products for my company. This means working with a team of colleagues to design formulations (the recipe!) and then do all the testing needed to make sure that they will work.
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My company make lubricating oils that go into the engines of a whole range of vehicles (from motorbikes and cars up to trucks and even ships) to make sure that vehicles can run efficiently. There is a lot of technology needed in these oils – for example we use different additives to help them flow smoothly, to stop any damage to the engine from wear, and to keep the engine parts clean.
One of the best things about my job is that I get to work with and get to know colleagues all over the world. I also sometimes get to travel to visit customers or suppliers, or to attend conferences.
My Typical Day:
I usually wake up around 7am and get to work around 8am. I typically start by responding to emails, then my day is a mix of meetings (this can be project team meetings or one-to-one catch ups with my chemist, my boss or other colleagues) and independent work such as analysing results, making presentations or planning testing. I take a break for lunch to eat with my friends, and I usually finish work at 5.15pm.
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I have flexible hours which means that I work an hour longer than my colleagues from Monday to Thursday – this means that I can finish work at lunchtime on Friday and do something fun with my afternoon!
My working day is quite varied which keeps things interesting – I don’t like to spend all day working at my computer.
What I'd do with the prize money:
I like to go to careers fairs at local schools to talk to students about STEM career options – the money would be useful to develop better resources and demonstrations that we could take to these events!
Secondary school (GCSE’s & A levels): De Aston School, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire
University (Undergraduate degree): University of Sheffield and University at Buffalo, New York State USA (for 3rd year study abroad)
University (PhD): University of Sheffield
GCSE’s: Triple science (Chemistry/Biology/Physics), English lang & lit, Maths and Statistics, Geography, History, Art, French (and Latin!)
AS level: History
A level: Chemistry, Maths, French
Undergraduate degree: Masters in Chemistry with a year in North America
PhD: Polymer Chemistry and Physics
Work History:
While studying undergraduate degree:
- Catering assistant at Sheffield Arena
- Cashier/sales advisor at Boots
While studying for PhD:
- Lab demonstrator/teaching assistant for undergraduate students
- University open day assistant
Postdoctoral research associate (2 years)
- Working at the University of Sheffield, getting paid to do research into polymers
- Also taught tutorials to undergraduate students
R&D chemist – Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems (2.5 years)
- designing and testing inks to be more sticky
- making inks safe to use for printing on food packaging
Current Job:
Product Development Technologist at Infineum (4 years so far)
- managing projects to develop new engine oils to be used in cars
- trying to improve sustainability e.g. by improving fuel economy (so vehicles can drive further on a tank of fuel), using more sustainable materials in our products
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
When I was very young I wanted to be an artist - as a teenager I wanted to be a doctor
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Sometimes, but mostly just for forgetting homework!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I would either do a more lab-based practical role - or maybe an artist after all
Who is your favourite singer or band?
I have quite varied taste - but Taylor Swift is always in the mix!
What's your favourite food?
Sticky toffee pudding
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. To be less forgetful 2. To travel to as many countries as possible - without damaging the environment and 3. To be happy!
Tell us a joke.
What's the difference between a buffalo and a bison? ... You can't wash your hands in a buffalo!!