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Will AI replace a lot if computing jobs EG: code writer / script writer (answered by 3)
Is your job dangerous sometimes? (answered by 2)
Did you ever discovered a new form of life, for example : new bacteria, virus or cell ? (answered by 2)
what’s the best part of your job (answered by 4)
what is your favourite part about being a scientist? (answered by 2)
What inspired you to pursue your career, and who would you say is an inspiration to you in your work? (answered by 1)
What are you most proud of. (1 comment)
What the biggest thing you built or helped (1 comment)
have you ever built a car or a part of a car (1 comment)
What drives you to do engineering every day? What makes you love engineering? (1 comment)
Is your job dangerous sometimes? (1 comment)
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What are you most proud of. (1 comment)
What the biggest thing you built or helped (1 comment)
have you ever built a car or a part of a car (1 comment)
What drives you to do engineering every day? What makes you love engineering? (1 comment)
Is your job dangerous sometimes? (1 comment)