
Alberto Granero
About Me:
I live in Leicester with my family. I like taking photos of my kids and playing board games.
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I was born in Spain, where I studied engineering. Then I decided to do some post-grad studies around the world. Before settling in the UK I lived in Rumania and Australia.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I have worked as material scientist. From making bluetack sticky to cooking crakers! (not in the same job!). I have also engineered and built production lines in factories.
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I have had many different jobs, from material science <where I studied how ingredients interact with each other, to better create new products or new recipes> to engineering <where I design processes that drive the right changes in the ingredients, for example, we want food to be cooked at the end of the line, not raw ingredients!>
My Typical Day:
On a typical day I read and write many emails! but I also have time to crunch numbers and see the progress of projects.
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Communication is very important, so I spend a good part of my day reading and writing emails. However, the part I enjoy the most is to run tests in the machines and analyse the numbers (temperature, speed, moisture…) looking for the best conditions in the line for the next best food product to launch to the market! I work very closely with food scientist and product developers, they create those food products, I mass make them in the factory!
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would buy coding kits to support and reinforce digital and coding skills at schools. Understanding code and learning to code is and will be a big part of our every day and I want to give young people the best tools to succeed.
School/High School – Talavera (Spain)
University – Valladolid (Spain)/Bacau (Romania) [Engineering]
University – Hull (UK) [Master in Chemistry]
University – Wollongong (Australia) [Ph.D.]
(age: 17 – Spain) B.U.P. grades: Notable/Sobresaliente (>70% / >90%)
(age: 18 – Spain) C.O.U./University access grade: 75%
Work History:
I have done very different jobs in my career.
Before being a scientist, I worked with aerial pictures and digital maps (like Google maps today) so when you look to the actual place the roads, rivers, cities match!
My first job out of university was testing hair removal (depilatory) creams [with Reckitt Benckiser]. My hands have never been so smooth!
Years later, I worked with Bostik, my job was to make sure that BlueTack was sticky! (among other things)
At PepsiCo, where I have worked the last 10 years, I have had different jobs. From studying how ingredients mix and transform, to designing production lines that would transform those ingredients in the right way, nobody want to eat raw potatoes!
Current Job:
I currently work creating digital tools that help colleagues to crunch big numbers quickly so they can be more efficient at creating new delicious food!
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Trouble shooting engineer
What did you want to be after you left school?
I did not know. I was not sure. Something science based, with engineering and chemistry.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
(I want a lawyer!) for information, my best friend and I were never allowed to sit nearby...
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Something where I can solve problems. It is not about the job, but about what I like doing.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
"Los Petersellers" (they are not well known, not even in Spain, but they are fun)
What's your favourite food?
Coffee and walnut cake
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1-Not having to worry about paying bills!; 2-Being able to chose and change the weather at will; 3-Having time to read more
Tell us a joke.
What's the most terrifying word in nuclear physics? "Oops!"