
Roman Lapuente
About Me:
I’m french and have lived in the UK since 2022, in Bristol since 2023. I split my life between work as an engineer, sports, and seeing my friends, which is a fair balance I believe!
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I’m very interested in climate change and want to work to improve the way we treat our planet. So I decided to work on creating the future airplanes which should be less harmful for the environment. Outside of work, I do a lot of sports (football, running, cycling, hiking) and particularly enjoy going on long hikes for several days in the mountains!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I work for an aircraft manufacturing company. There, we think about how could the future aircraft be in order to be less harmful for the planet. I do calculations to make sure the aircraft will behave as expected with new technologies and optimise its performance.
My Typical Day:
I wake up around 8am and have breakfast. I get to work at 8:30, where I go to meetings or sit at my desk and do my work. Then I have lunch with my friends from work from 12 to 1, and get back to work until 5pm.
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I take several brakes during the day to have casual chats with colleagues or friends, or just go for a short walk to relax before getting back to being focused again. Fridays are a bit special as we only work until 1 or 2pm so there’s plenty of time to have a great week-end!
I was born in Spain where I went to public school until 6 yo.
I then went to school from 6yo to 18yo in the public school in France, in a rural area.
I then studied hard for 2 years to compete in the very selective french engineering schools entrance exams. I succeeded very well as I got into the 2nd best in the country.
I took a gap year before my last year of studying to do internships and travel (I lived in Cambodia for 6 months!)
I went to Cranfield University to do a Master of Science in aerospace for my last year.
In total, I studied for 5 years to become an engineer after high-school.
Studied in France but I did the equivalent of A-levels in maths and physics.
I’ve had 1st class honours every year after high-school.
Work History:
I did two 6-months internships:
- Aircraft design for cryogenic aircraft in Safran, Paris
- Engineer for a small solar panels company in Cambodia
After finishing my Master, I was hired by Airbus in Bristol to be part of a 2-years graduate programme where I get a very good opportunity to get new skills and understand how such a big organisation works.
Current Job:
I’m doing the Airbus Graduate Programme in Bristol. I work in the fuel systems department where we design the system that carries fuel from the tanks to the engine. I work on future aircraft like hydrogen aircraft which are very complex as the fuel is different and operates at extremely low temperatures (-253°C).
Airbus is the biggest aircraft manufacturer in the world. It’s owned by France, Germany, UK, Spain. I work with people from these different countries. We are more than 1000 engineers in Bristol only, and around 70000 in the world.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Hydrogen Aircraft Engineer
What did you want to be after you left school?
An engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Be a climate scientist
Who is your favourite singer or band?
French rapper Ninho
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Be surrounded by friends; Be successful at work; Have a positive impact on a local community or global society