Questions Answered by Julia
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My Unanswered Questions
Why do you study science
(answered by 3) -
What are the qualifications needed to be a scientist
(answered by 4) -
What is the most difficult aspect of your jobs
(answered by 5) -
How are you going to find a cure for cancer?
(answered by 1) -
Is it fun being a scientist?
(answered by 4) -
What has been your most intresting experience when being a scientist?
(answered by 2)
Recent Comments
What are you most proud of. (1 comment)
What the biggest thing you built or helped (1 comment)
have you ever built a car or a part of a car (1 comment)
What drives you to do engineering every day? What makes you love engineering? (1 comment)
Is your job dangerous sometimes? (1 comment)