Questions Answered by anamariaraclariu
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My Unanswered Questions
Do you know how many stars there are in space?
(no answers) -
How can I figure out what job I would like to do in the future?
(answered by 2) -
how does your job involve maths
(answered by 1) -
Is the universe truly infinite
(answered by 2) -
How Long will beetle juice last
(answered by 1) -
How to stars and planets evolve and form?
(answered by 1) -
How fast does the universe expand
(answered by 1) -
Would Pluto ever collide with another Planet as it orbits in an oval shape over the other planets orbit
(answered by 1) -
Can Jupiter explode as it is made of gas?
(answered by 1) -
If you fell off something in space would you keep falling or floating till death?
(answered by 1)
Recent Comments
What are you most proud of. (1 comment)
What the biggest thing you built or helped (1 comment)
have you ever built a car or a part of a car (2 comments)
What drives you to do engineering every day? What makes you love engineering? (1 comment)
Is your job dangerous sometimes? (1 comment)