• Question: what is your dream job

    Asked by Aah on 25 Feb 2025.
    • Photo: Charlotte Slade

      Charlotte Slade answered on 25 Feb 2025:

      You know what? I’m actually doing my dream job right now!

      I get to invent new scientific tools, work with amazing teams around the world, AND finish early enough to spend time helping others and playing with my dog! It’s the perfect mix of being creative, solving puzzles, and making things that help scientists make important discoveries.

      Though if I had to pick a wild dream job (like, if anything was possible), I’d love to combine what I do now with being an astronaut – imagine designing super-powerful microscopes for studying samples on Mars! 🚀

      But honestly, getting to be a scientific inventor while still having time for volunteering and fun stuff… that’s pretty much living the dream already!
