• Question: What are you most proud of.

    Asked by band521waws to Steve P, Steven T, stephenraggett-batchen, martinmcmahon, Jenny, ebrahimsalehi, Caroline, Alana M on 19 Dec 2024. This question was also asked by edge521waws.
    • Photo: Stephen Raggett-Batchen

      Stephen Raggett-Batchen answered on 19 Dec 2024:

      I think I am proud of being in this industry and working with some fantastic Engineers over my time. Without us we couldn’t go about our daily lives as we do – Engineers are the unsung heroes of our daily lives, and if we do our jobs right – you don’t even know!

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 20 Dec 2024:

      I won a national award for safety and security, based on my work in the nuclear industry. I am really proud of myself not just for winning but because I had the confidence to put myself forward and had the belief that I was good enough to win the award.
