• Question: what are you currently working on

    Asked by data521waws to Steve P, stephenraggett-batchen, Ruth, martinmcmahon, Jenny, Ebrahim S, Caroline, Alana M on 19 Dec 2024.
    • Photo: Stephen Raggett-Batchen

      Stephen Raggett-Batchen answered on 19 Dec 2024:

      I am currently working on a large marina expansion project, an inspection and report of a tunnel that carries a large water pipe, the design of an access chamber into a tunnel, and helping in the design of a new wall that fell down recently (so the owner needs a new one designed).

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 20 Dec 2024:

      I am currently working on waste management control systems for the nuclear industry, making sure the waste is packaged safely or seeing if it can be treated to allow for recycling or reuse.
