• Question: is doing a base degree like mechanical help before specialising into aeronautical etc

    Asked by face521yore on 3 Oct 2024.
    • Photo: Steve Potterill

      Steve Potterill answered on 3 Oct 2024:

      In some part the answer depends on what you are potentially trying to do/achieve by such a 2-stage approach. Are you unsure of whether you want to pursue aeronautical and therefore looking for a potentially ā€œbroaderā€ degree (although in fairness thereā€™s plenty of breadth, and likely significant mechanical engineering included in aeronautical)? Have a look at a few course syllabi from different universities, and that may reassure you that plumping for aeronautical straight away wonā€™t necessarily narrow your future choices. (In the normal course of studies and of work, youā€™re likely to find that more and more opportunities open up in front of you the more you do anyway). Good luck.

    • Photo: Callum Morris

      Callum Morris answered on 18 Nov 2024:

      Not generally. Alot of the skills taught at earlier stages of engineering degrees are very similar.

      If you are unsure of what exact type of engineering your are interested in, there are lots of places you can look such as university prospectus to see the course content, to other areas such as the engineering institues to get a better understanding of what each discipline does.

    • Photo: Amal Lavender

      Amal Lavender answered on 18 Feb 2025:

      yes it gives you a great understanding of the fundamentals and how each bit works. it also helps you understand what you love – for example i was adament that i wanted to be an aeronautical engineer but after doing 2 years of the base i realised i didnt want to be in a design office and actually wanted to be a manufacturing engineer as i loved seeing what i was working on, working with others and problem solving and i could do that more in this area.
