
Timothy Nixon
About Me:
I live in the south west of England and when I am not working I enjoy the outdoors and woodwork. I love mountain biking, climbing and I play badminton. I have two children aged 10 and 12 and we love crafting things together.
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I grew up on the Wirral in the North-West. My life outside of school consisted of rock climbing, rock climbing and more rock climbing but I was also in the cubs, scouts and venture scouts, played badminton and ran cross country for my school and county and loved building things.
I went to university in Leicester and have lived in a lot of different places before settling in Devon. I love it here. It’s close to the sea and there are lots of rocks to climb.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I am a geophysicist working on helping people to understand the risks that the earth presents to civil engineering projects.
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I use physics experiments to better understand the earth’s sub-surface. I could be using seismic waves to detect cracks in rocks, magnetometers to detect unexploded bombs or electromagnetic radiation to look for ground water.
My Typical Day:
I spent 15 years travelling the world to collect data for my job but now I sit at my computer and I turn that data in to models of the earth’s subsurface that lots of different people can easily understand.
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I wake up early and log on to my computer to read some mails and prepare for the day. then my children get up and we have breakfast together before they head out to school and my work day starts properly. I could be travelling for meetings or visiting sites where work is being done but mostly I work from home in my little office in the garden.
At lunch time I like to go for a short walk or maybe do some chores around the house. Anything to keep active. Too much sitting down is not good for you. I normally finish work at around 1730 when it’s time to head in to the house for tea and homework with the kids!
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would love to build an augmented reality sandbox to give to the local multi-academy trust here in Devon. It’s a really cool project that uses a projector to colour in sand with topographic contours as you shape the sand in to hills and valleys. You can even make it simulate rain!
I went to Calday School on the Wirral for GCSEs and A-levels. Then I went to the University of Leicester.
12 GCSEs (5A*, 5As and 2Bs)
A-levels in Physics, Maths and Chemistry (A, B, C)
BSc in Geological Geophysics
Work History:
Climbing shop assistant.
Foundation Testing Technician
Geophysicist, Senior Geophysicist, Principle Geophysicist, Head of Geophysics.
Current Job:
Head of Technology for Geophysics
Jacobs UK Ltd
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Inquisitive tinkering pest
What did you want to be after you left school?
I had no clue but I thought that I would like to work in the outdoors in some way.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not very often
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Furniture maker
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Anything spicy
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To live in a world free from greed, to have the knees of a 20 year old and for all my DIY tasks to be magically done.
Tell us a joke.
Why can't you trust an atom? They make up everything.