
Ruth Pegington
About Me:
I live near Cambridge with my partner and son.
I work at a chemical company and make materials that can be used for electronics.
I love music (I play piano and sing in choirs) and going to the gym/running with friends. -
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I have lived here for 20yrs since leaving university.
I accidentally got into chemistry, after leaving school thinking I was going to be a nurse!
After my A-Levels I had a change of heart as I realised I actually enjoyed science. I managed to switch university and degree to biochemistry, then later to chemistry only. It was by chance that I ended up studying materials for electronics but it has been a very enjoyable journey.I love to be outdoors, enjoy music and going to the gym. My favourite part of the gym is the social part, whether it is running/chatting with friends or catching up over a coffee after classes.
My other favourite thing to do is experimental cooking: my son and I love to cook, to experiment with herbs and spices and enjoy the result!
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I am a chemistry researcher. I work in a laboratory and mix things together to make new compounds. The best thing- I make molecules that give off light!
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I make materials that can be used for electronics. TV’s, phones, flexible displays…. these all have chemistry inside, which has been designed specifically for that purpose.
The molecules we make are polymers (think plastics, lots of molecules linked together) that can give off light. Basically you put energy in (electricity) and you get energy out (as light).
We study lots of other types of electronics too- feel free to ask me! -
My Typical Day:
My typical day:
I typically wake up early (6:30am) and have coffee at home and get my son ready for school. We all leave early (<8am). I drive to work and listen to podcasts or audiobooks in the car.
When I get to work
- Coffee: I make this while the computer starts up. We have a nice coffee machine that grinds the beans fresh. I start with a double espresso to wake me up.
- Catch up on emails and check the calendar. We tend to plan most meetings on the same day to allow experimental work to take place.
- Plan experiments (I may have planned the day before if it is a long experiment) by doing calculations (how much to add of each chemical) and a safety form.
- Get experiments started.
- Lunch happens whenever it fits in with my work. I always have lunch with colleagues away from my desk, or go for a walk.
- I finish up my experiments by the end of the day or have them signed off if they need to run overnight.
- I write up results into a presentation and make recommendations for the next step.
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Day continued:
I typically have lots of discussions in person and over email throughout the day. Colleagues will chat in the office (open plan) or in the lab. We discuss each others work openly and it is all about teamwork.
If I have a problem I will ask others, who might have done similar things, look things up on the internet or send round some emails.As well as my core job, I am also involved in other groups within the company. This might be to do with thinking up a new project or helping the company to be more sustainable (reducing waste etc.)
What I'd do with the prize money:
I would give the money to STEM leads in local primary schools to run STEM fairs.
I went to a comprehensive school in County Durham.
I actually hated secondary school and spent most of the time trying not to be noticed. I was very shy indeed! I didn’t get into science until (after) my A-levels when I realised I kind of enjoyed them.
I did science to get into nursing and had done loads of volunteer work up until that point. Then I took a chance and changed degree at the last minute (actually 1st week of term) to biochemistry. In my mind, I could study nursing later if I wanted to, but I wanted to see if I would enjoy science at university.
I studied at Lancaster University, switching to full chemistry in 2nd year, for 4 years for a Masters in chemistry (M.Chem).
In my final year I was invited to apply for a PhD (doctorate) in Sheffield and so I moved there for another 3.5yrs. I absolutely loved life at Sheffield University and finally felt like I could be myself. -
GCSEs: 1 (Music, 1992); 9 GCSE’s at School (1994)
A-Levels: Biology, Chemistry, Maths (Cs) 1996
University: M.Chem(Hons). 2000 2:1
PhD 2004
Work History:
I have worked in jobs along the way:
- Summer jobs: Motorway service station (Burger King, Little Chef); University conference staff; disabled childrens summer camps.
- I also worked in a call centre for a mobile phone company, handling technical support queries.
During my PhD:
- Supervising undergraduate labs
- Exam invigilator, in particular for SEN adapted university exams.
Current Job:
Senior Scientist
Cambridge Display Technology Ltd
A Sumitomo Chemical Group Company
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Happy singing scientist
What did you want to be after you left school?
a nurse
Were you ever in trouble at school?
I was too shy
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I am interested in so many other things. Maybe medicine or immunology as I think it's fascinating!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Depends on my mood... I couldn't narrow it down I'm afraid.
What's your favourite food?
Spicy food
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I wish I had more time to spend with family and friends; I wish I was cleverer; I wish I was braver
Tell us a joke.
What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple? Answer: finding half a worm