
Daniel Scott
About Me:
I live in the North East of England. I have two kids, a wife, a cat and 2 horses. I love football and crisps!
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I’m an Arsenal fan, i grew up in the Midlands but moved up North in my 30s. My favourite things to do are play football with my son and play ‘shop’ with my daughter.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I test things to see what nasty metals are in them. For example, I tested the land for the Olympics in London to make sure nobody got poorly.
My Typical Day:
I wake up at 7am, get my son and my daughter dressed and then take my son to school. I get to work at 830am. Every day is different but i normally do some experiments in the afternoon and then check the results the following morning. At 430pm i go home, pick up my son from school, play some football with both kids in the garden and then have tea and watch Netflix all night. I go to bed at 1030pm.
Went to Higham Lane Secondary School where i took GCSEs, and then King Edward VI College to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics A-Levels.
Went to the University of Nottingham to study Applied Biology
Got 11 GCSEs, (I took my maths GCSE a year early and then did a bonus one called Statistics).
A-Levels; B in Biology, C in Chemistry and C in Physics
2:1 in Applied Biology Bsc
Work History:
Worked in a pharmacy part time when i was at school/college
Worked in a warehouse packing boxes during university
After university i’ve always worked in laboratories, but for four different companies.
Current Job:
Senior Principal Analyst
Johnson Matthey
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Football loving chemist
What did you want to be after you left school?
A scientist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Nope, i was a good boy!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I'd like to be a fireman
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Blink 182
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Tiny bit taller. (I always wanted to be 6ft and i'm 5'11"), Wish i had a magic bag full of never ending crisps, Wish weekends were longer.
Tell us a joke.
Why are pirates called pirates? Because they Arggghhhhh!