
Chia-Hsin Chen
About Me:
I live with my partner and my daughter in Reading. I am a research scientist in a sustainable chemical company. I like musicals, TV series, and travel!
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Working in the science field gives me the chance to live in different countries and see the world. I grew up in Taiwan and then studied for my PhD in the US. Then I moved to France to do postdoctoral research and now I am in the UK to work in a chemical company.
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My Work:
I am a research scientist in a sustainable company.
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I am a NMR spectroscopist. I use instruments called “nuclear magnetic resonance” spectrometers” to characterize materials. The information can help synthesis scientists to understand more about their materials such as chemical composition, structural information and chemical bonding.
My Typical Day:
The first thing I do when I arrive at work is to check all the instruments to see if they are behaving overnight. Then I check emails and attend meetings to discuss lab results with colleagues. After lunch, I work in the lab to prepare samples and set up experiments. I go around 5pm.
I studied for my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Taiwan and went to the US for PhD degree.
I have a bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degree in chemistry.
Work History:
I worked as a postdoctoral researcher in France for two years.
Current Job:
I am a research scientist.
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My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
Work in different countries
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
researcher in a national lab
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?