
Arlene Ditchfield
About Me:
I live with my husband and two children in a small village in the Scottish Highlands. I followed my love for the sea by pursuing a job in marine science. When I’m not enjoying the seaside I can be found wandering around the Scottish hills.
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I am originally from Troon, a coastal town on the west coast of Scotland. As a child I loved spending time in the sea and would often be found peering into rockpools. I have always had a curiosity to understand and wish to protect the sea.
The sea is my happy place, if I need to clear my head that’s where I go. I have lived in a few places across the UK but all were close to the sea.
When I moved to the Scottish highlands I discovered hillwalking. Everyday is different in the Scottish hills, sometimes you can even have four seasons in one day! I love the achievement to getting to the top of a hill and of course that should always be rewarded with cake when finished. I have completed about 120 munros (hills in Scotland that are over 3000feet) and am slowly ticking off the others when I can.
My pronouns are:
My Work:
I teach the next generation of marine scientists, I enjoy sharing my passion for the sea.
I am a researcher interested in bacteria and how they control the natural processes in the oceans. -
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I teach a 3rd year module on chemical processes in the sea. In addition, I am involved in programme leading for our degree in Marine Science ( which involves organising and developing teaching across the degree. I also have the pleasure of reviewing student applications for entry into the degree.
I extract DNA from marine samples to find out what bacteria are there and what they are doing. I am also interested in making a renewable source of fuel from seaweed using microbes.
My Typical Day:
I wake up, get ready, feed our guinea pigs, get my kids up and have breakfast (granola). I drop my kids off at school then head into work for 9am. I check my emails and respond to student and staff queries. Some days I teach, this can be in the lecture room, in the lab or at sea. I can also be found in the lab, extracting DNA and measuring processes. I read research papers which help me to understand and write up my own results into research papers. I leave work at 5pm.
What I'd do with the prize money:
At SAMS (the Scottish Association for Marine Science) where I work we have a outreach centre, the Ocean Explorer Centre (Ocean Explorer Centre | Oban | Facebook) The prize money would either go to developing an exhibit on my science for this centre or allow me to take marine science into secondary schools to inspire the next generation of marine scientists.
I went to school in Troon, Troon Primary followed by Marr College. Following school I had a thirst for knowledge for the environment so studied a degree at the University of Glasgow. This only left me wanting more so I went onto further study at Newcastle University where did a masters and then PhD. I loved research so stayed in Newcastle to work on understanding microbes in a range of environments including lakes, deep subsurface and sewage treatment plants. I left Newcastle to pursue my passion for the sea and heading to Oban where I got a job at the Scottish Association for Marine Science. I begun by researching microbes in the water and this branched out to look at microbes in the sediment, on seaweed and even in the Arctic. I now mostly work on developing fuel from seaweed and teaching and supervise student in my field of research.
1987 – 1993 Marr College 6 Standard Grades, 1 ‘O’ grade (Geography), 4 Highers (Biology, Chemistry, Math and English) and 1 Six year studies (SYS, biology).
1993 – 1997 BSc (Hons) Environmental biogeochemistry 2.1, University of Glasgow
1997 – 1998 MSc Environmental Biogeochemistry, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
1999 – 2004 PhD University of Newcastle upon Tyne Sponsors – AstraZeneca and Yorkshire water
Work History:
Waitress, volunteer at local riding stables and worked for a Mortgage company
Research Scientist at Newcastle university
Current Job:
Research Scientist, lecturer and deputy programme leader in Marine Science at SAMS
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
passionate, nature-loving, scientist
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Polar scientist
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To be happy, make a difference and inspire others
Tell us a joke.
What does a dolphin say when he’s confused? Can you please be more Pacific?