• Question: would you do it again if you had a choice

    Asked by desk521waws to Steve P, stephenraggett-batchen, martinmcmahon, Jenny, Ebrahim S, Caroline, Alana M on 19 Dec 2024.
    • Photo: Stephen Raggett-Batchen

      Stephen Raggett-Batchen answered on 19 Dec 2024:

      I would definitely chose to be an Engineer if I was to choose again. It is a great job that I really enjoy.

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 20 Dec 2024:

      I’d definitely go into engineering but I might choose to do an apprenticeship instead of going straight to university. It was a great experience but I think I would have liked hands on experience as well as a wage while I was studying.

    • Photo: Steve Potterill

      Steve Potterill answered on 24 Jan 2025:

      If I were to restart, I’d still aim to be a pilot. If that didn’t work out I might then take an engineering degree (rather than the physics degree that I actually took). The rest of my careers after that just evolved as I went along – new opportunities pop up the more experience you gain (and most people with experience are not in the job they aimed for when they left school).
